Having an image of our body’s various moving parts can help us get more in touch with what, exactly, it is that we’re learning to move in a mindful way in order to re-strengthen key bones like thoracic spine and the neck of the femur. See diagrams: healthinourownhands.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Bone-builder-anatomy.pdf (Shoulder girdle strength is also important.)
Sources for key bone building gear: healthinourownhands.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Bone-Builder-gear-sources.pdf for braided towels, foam rollers and resistance tubes.
Have fun reversing bone loss in your own kitchen with the help of your resistance tube. “Bones like surprises.” — Sherri Betz. It is possible to cook (careful with the paring knife) while wearing your resistance tube and practicing your silly walk. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_nMzjFxsY0&feature=fvst for added inspiration. A clip of my own will be available on YouTube as soon as I figure out how. (If we get really good, perhaps we can find employment at a border crossing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC9NeJh1NhI )
Fall prevention: practice balance with Balance Trainer $130. Bosu brand sometiems $65.
Vestibular Disc $15-30 I stand on it while washing dishes. You can sit on the other (less textured) side at your desk. Walgreens may have these or google balance disk/disc.
Modifying Pilates For Clients With Osteoporosis Download PDF |by Sherri R. Betz, PT www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/pilates-osteoporosis
Better yet, take her bone-builder classes at Capitola (CA) Parks and Rec and get your equipment there: http://www.therapilates.com/index.html (Scroll down in the TheraPilates site for Upcoming Courses and Classes.)
Download the latest American Bone Health Fracture Prevention Brochure!
If you’ve been in chronic pain and your body’s lost strength and ability to move, you’ve become “deconditioned”. Reconditioning while dealing with chronic pain is a special challenge. Here are some resources and skills for helping you to recover your ability to move so you can keep/reclaim your bones, muscles and independence. http://healthinourownhands.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Dealing-with-Chronic-Pain.pdf
Exercise for osteoporosis class video (45 min. progam to play on computer and do at home) by Wendy Katzman, PT, DPTSc, OCS: http://vimeo.com/5323300
Martha Benedict’s recipes and notes from her lecture at the American Bone Health Club, Apr. 2011: liver-pate-martha-b-bone-builder , bone-soup-martha-b , kale-recipes-for-bones , martha-b-bone-builder-handouts . Notes of the whole lecture (recipes not included) yin-yang-of-bone-building